In this wonderful world of KAGAYA, you will encounter the eternal motif in the grandeur of Cosmos where imaginations meet reality in a fantastic and inspiring virtue of hyper-realism and celestial transparency. All the works on this site belong to KAGAYA et al.

29 January 2009

KAGAYA et al. - Dream Mediators

A reputed world forerunner of Digital Painting, Kagaya works completed entirely on a computer. Since he spent his childhood in wonderment of the stars in the sky, he has been working in Astronomy-related areas, contributing many astronomical illustrations to books, magazines, and planetariums. Having his eternal motif in the grandeur of the cosmic world, he has had a successful career as an illustrator for astronomical books and magazines, and many of his works have been turned into jigsaw puzzles, among other products.

While stars are drawn just as they really are, nevertheless, images are fantastic and inspiring, by virtue of his Hyper Realism and his Celestial Transparency.

He has strong popularity in Asia. "The Zodiac, 12 Greek Mythologies" is a best-selling jigsaw puzzle. The minor planet 11949 is named Kagaya Yutaka after his real name in honor of his contribution to astronomy as an artist.

His official website is at:
A fan site that summarizes his works:

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KAGAYA's assistant - TAKAKI - whose artworks are equally fantastic :

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Another assistant to Kagaya is SHU MIZOGUCHI - check out his artworks at:

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